You are currently browsing the monthly archive for March 2023.

One of the coolest things about this ongoing series of sales has been to have email exchanges with a whole bunch of very nice people. I’ve been curious to see where and how the items you all bought have ended up and have begun asking for pictures of purchases in their new dwelling places and environs.

And the pics that have come in are absolutely fantastic. It really is great fun to share all this stuff with people who take my mother–well, not as seriously as I do, perhaps, but very seriously indeed.

So I’m going to reiterate the call: anybody who bought anything from me at any time–please take a snapshot of where the item is now and send it along, and I’ll post it– or not, if you don’t want it posted. That’s fine, too. But I’d like to see.

Here are a bunch. More to come.

Carol S’s Guardian Beast protects the Buddha from wandering cats.

Shirley C’s black dragon candlesticks are ready to grace the dining room table, a role they’ve played in a very similar configuration in the past.

Cyndy S has hidden her item amongst like-minded statuary in this cabinet. Your mission: find it.

That man is clearly debating the size of that pug.

(I have a theory that, just as poodles and other dogs come in a variety of sizes from teacup tiny to enormous grand royal, pugs are actually toy mastiffs. I have absolutely no evidence to support this, but I believe it firmly, and am delighted to see Cyndy’s cabinet totally backs me up.)

Jennifer C has created a very cool tableau with her two pugs. The spider candle in the back totally makes it.

Carol M’s pugs are giving you their full and undivided attention.

Richard L’s pug loves the nightlife.

Gail R’s doorstop pug is back on the job.

Patty K’s script is finally in the company it deserves.

More to come. If you haven’t sent me a pic of your item, go for it!

Thanks, all.

Email me at with any questions or answers or anything in between.

But first, a word of explanation.

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